A Writers Group for Everyone

Writers meeting up

If you want to prepare a short (up to 200 words) piece of writing, we usually have a couple of prompt words each month. (Sharing or reading your work aloud is always optional.)
See the mailing list email or facebook.com/writersontheheath for the latest details.

Join Our Mailing List

Our regular monthly meetings (third Friday of the month) went online for lockdown and were a great success, even for Zoom novices. We have now returned to meeting in Haywards Heath library, but run a hybrid meeting, so people can still participate using Zoom.

This month’s meeting is on Friday 21st February
(Next month’s meeting will be on the 21st March)
The meeting starts at 7:30pm, but you can join online from 7:15pm for some informal chat.

Click here to join the mailing list for updates and Zoom details

After the meeting ends at about 9pm, some people visit a local pub for further informal discussion.

You can read some WotH members’ best writing here on the posts or highlights menu links.

We welcome all abilities so why not send us an email or a message via Facebook?

Writers on the Heath - Haywards Heath & Virtual Map

Half Way Between London & Brighton and Also Online!

Members range from beginners, students and budding authors right through to musicians, journalists, poets, business owners, public speakers and comedy writers. Even a mainstream publisher sits in.

Formed in early 2015

Writers on the Heath was officially formed in the summer of 2015 by a bunch of friends with similar interests but who all shared the common goal, desire and interest of getting their masterpieces out there: recognised, published or in print.

Click here to sign up to our mailing list for meeting reminders and news.
(Your details are never shared and you can unsubscribe at anytime.)

Helping to Inspire Each Other

We have all learnt from the best but when we first started most of us hadn’t even written anything down, let alone thought about how to get our works to market.
Since then, through regular writing exercises and constructive feedback, many of us have been inspired to self-publish, write flash fiction or create genius comedy scripts achieving this through blogs, podcasts and conventional publishing.

Or if you want to simply experience Writers on the Heath for yourself join us via Zoom on the third Friday of the month at 7.30pm !

We hope to resume meeting in person again at the Haywards Heath library in due course. But we look forward to meeting you in either way.

For more information on Writers on the Heath group in general please see our Facebook page or contact us via email on organiser@writersontheheath.com